May 21, 2008

Haunted Maze

One of the most beautiful buildings in Colonial Williamsburg is the Governor’s Palace.
My ex-husband use to be a master gardener there in the kitchen gardens and although I have never been inside the palace itself I have spent time on the grounds.

Home of seven royal governors including Lord Dunmore, Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson. In 1780 the capital was moved to Richmond and in 1781 during the siege of Yorktown the palace was used as a hospital.. In 1781 the palace was burned to the ground killing one patient. In 1930 restoration of the palace began. While rummaging through the gardens archaeologists discovered a human skeleton. They continued to dig and found 156 men and two women. They also found musket balls with teeth marks on them indicating that they were bodies from the hospital. Because there was little anesthesia during the Revolutionary war the wounded suffered great agony. Most died from blood loss, shock, or infection. Theories of the women identity include that they are either family members who had followed the soldiers or more than likely nurses.

It is reported that a strange light appears in the palace at night when no one is there. When investigated it disappears.

The maze behind the building is supposed to be haunted by soldiers from the civil war and revolutionary war. The wall in front of the mansion is supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a criminally insane escapee of Eastern State Mental Institution, who in the 1920s slit a woman's throat.

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