May 10, 2008

Meeting with the ghostbusters

I have this song running through my head tonight!


Something strange, in your neighbourhood
Who you going to call?
Something Weird and it don't look good
Who you going to call

And I am totally psyched. As you know I was invited to meet with one of our local paranormal groups. I won't name them here to protect privacy but they are a great bunch of folks and I learned a lot. We talked about experiences and ghost hunting, equipment and what to do and not do, and of course we talked about my grandson and the ghost lady.
They all agreed they see an outline of a woman and man in the photo, but said that it appears to be matrix. I had heard of this before and expected that this might be what they told me, but because of my grandson seeing her before the photo was taken they can not rule out that something may be going on at the farm.
They are very interested in him, and asked me if I could get permission from my daughter to let him go along on an investigation. Actually more of an observation. They want us to go to an area that has been sited in the past for activity (probably the Yorktown battlefield) and let him walk around. They will bring all of there equipment and possibly let him hold the EMF meter. We will probably take bubbles or a kite, a ball or something fun like that and just let him play and see what happens. If he is the little magnet that they hope he will be then they will get some evidence of a spirit which is what all of us who love the paranormal are hoping for.
I am not sure when this outing will happen but I will let you all know.

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