April 14, 2010

What the heck is this

I've been going through my photos from our weekend in Gettysburg and ran across this one on my husband's camera, I am leaning towards it being a lighting issue but then on the other hand I am thinking hmmm
What do all you other Casper Chasers (locals word for Ghost Hunters) think?
The photo was taken at Culps Hill just a few minutes before I saw the orb.


  1. Humm, all I can say is ... interesting! I don't know what it is.

  2. Well that's odd. To say the least!

  3. Wow, what an interesting photo.

  4. As a photography major, I would be inclined to agree that it is a photo error, the aperture was too large and the Shutter speed to slow, it caught every millimeter of movement and even something as little as a light behind you or somewhere near reflecting off a bug or something.

    I would suggest to prevent this in the future and to get more even shots in all situations...I would suggest a cheap tripod, I got mine at wal-mart for less than $20, it has proven very useful.

    Hope this helps

  5. Although I know it's probably something logical and explainable, I do have to say it is pretty neat all the same!
