Real People and Answering A Question(Re-post)
REPOST 4/11/08

I know your all probably tired of reading about my ghost story, but I want to share some thoughts with you.
It is driving me crazy thinking Is this real? Do ghost really exsit. Is my grandson really seeing something. I have tried unsuccessfully to find any information on the net about hauntings in that area. I was just about to give up, when I got to thinking about it this way.
Just for the sake of argument lest say it is a ghost.
Ok with that established we all know that before you can be a ghost you had to be alive. So I pondered over it awhile thinking to myself Just who was this woman (and man/the papa). What were their names, how did they die. What did they do when they were alive.
If I look in the mirror and I see myself I know that I have hopes and dreams, a home, children .And when I die, someone is going to know who I was.
So I realized, that this "ghost" must have been the same way. Someone had to know who they were. So I thought about it some more and I asked myself, ok where do I start. I wondered who owned this land. What happened there all those years ago. How did they die and Why are they haunting it.
Yesterday I took the bull horns and went to our local library. We have a special room dedicated to Virginia history so I knew I could at lest find something on the land.
So in I go, march up to the desk, and tell the librarian my story. Of course she looks at me like I have two heads, but she produces a file with newspaper articles in it. And guess what. It is all about the farm and who owned it and the names of the people who were buried in the graveyard there.
I won't give you a last name to protect there privacy, but I will tell you that it is a family cemetery.
the names and dates are as follows
Margaret born 1797 died 1835
*I think she is our "lady". The timing for the dress the "ghost" is wearing would be about right. Margaret would have died in her early 30's. My ghost lady looks young.
Philip was born in 1845, he died at age 68 in 1913 of a heart attack after coming in from the fields. I believe he is our papa/and the farmer seen by the worker at the farm. A farmer in 1913 would certainly be wearing overalls as she described.
I have different last names for Margaret and Philip, but I feel like they are related. Perhaps she was his grandmother or an Aunt of either Philip or his wife who is also buried in the cemetery.
Philips daughter is also buried there and believe it or not she died just three days before he did. All that I have listed is she died suddenly. She was 40.
At first I thought maybe our lady was her, but she didn't die until 1913 so I think the dress style does not fit.
Anyway I also found out that Philip was born and raised there, and served in the civil war.
Conincident, maybe, interesting thoughts Yes.
So what do you think?
Suzie ask me an interesting question about our "ghost". Did I want them to stay or go.
I thought Well, as long as they stay on the farm and not follow me or my daughter home. I think they should stay, after all this was there farm for hundreds of years. At this point I don't feel like they are harming anyone. This is after all a children's farm, run by the city and if bad things are not happening there then I think it is ok for them to hang around.
I can't help but wonder though if other kids have seen things and told there parents and no one has come forward and reported it for fear of being laughed at or worst.
Let's face it even in today's society where this type of thing is more widely accepted people still band you as a kook. As for me. I don't care. I say bring it on. I would love to have a full investigation out there. Get your camera's, voice recorders, heat sensors and all the other equipment. Whoo hoo, can you see us now on Taps
Ok back to the serious side.
Suzie also suggested that I talk some more to our friendly ghost asking them to give me some sort of sign as to who they are by making a noise such as a tap. Only problem is this is woods and open field. So short of dropping a tree branch on my head I am not sure what kind of noise they could make. In fact I have been twice with a EPV recorder but so far nothing more than the wind. I do plan on trying agin
In the mean time I am going to do an investigation of a different sorts this weekend.
It has nothing to do with this man and lady and is on an entirely different piece of land.
I will tell you more about it later
I know your all probably tired of reading about my ghost story, but I want to share some thoughts with you.
It is driving me crazy thinking Is this real? Do ghost really exsit. Is my grandson really seeing something. I have tried unsuccessfully to find any information on the net about hauntings in that area. I was just about to give up, when I got to thinking about it this way.
Just for the sake of argument lest say it is a ghost.
Ok with that established we all know that before you can be a ghost you had to be alive. So I pondered over it awhile thinking to myself Just who was this woman (and man/the papa). What were their names, how did they die. What did they do when they were alive.
If I look in the mirror and I see myself I know that I have hopes and dreams, a home, children .And when I die, someone is going to know who I was.
So I realized, that this "ghost" must have been the same way. Someone had to know who they were. So I thought about it some more and I asked myself, ok where do I start. I wondered who owned this land. What happened there all those years ago. How did they die and Why are they haunting it.
Yesterday I took the bull horns and went to our local library. We have a special room dedicated to Virginia history so I knew I could at lest find something on the land.
So in I go, march up to the desk, and tell the librarian my story. Of course she looks at me like I have two heads, but she produces a file with newspaper articles in it. And guess what. It is all about the farm and who owned it and the names of the people who were buried in the graveyard there.
I won't give you a last name to protect there privacy, but I will tell you that it is a family cemetery.
the names and dates are as follows
Margaret born 1797 died 1835
*I think she is our "lady". The timing for the dress the "ghost" is wearing would be about right. Margaret would have died in her early 30's. My ghost lady looks young.
Philip was born in 1845, he died at age 68 in 1913 of a heart attack after coming in from the fields. I believe he is our papa/and the farmer seen by the worker at the farm. A farmer in 1913 would certainly be wearing overalls as she described.
I have different last names for Margaret and Philip, but I feel like they are related. Perhaps she was his grandmother or an Aunt of either Philip or his wife who is also buried in the cemetery.
Philips daughter is also buried there and believe it or not she died just three days before he did. All that I have listed is she died suddenly. She was 40.
At first I thought maybe our lady was her, but she didn't die until 1913 so I think the dress style does not fit.
Anyway I also found out that Philip was born and raised there, and served in the civil war.
Conincident, maybe, interesting thoughts Yes.
So what do you think?
Suzie ask me an interesting question about our "ghost". Did I want them to stay or go.
I thought Well, as long as they stay on the farm and not follow me or my daughter home. I think they should stay, after all this was there farm for hundreds of years. At this point I don't feel like they are harming anyone. This is after all a children's farm, run by the city and if bad things are not happening there then I think it is ok for them to hang around.
I can't help but wonder though if other kids have seen things and told there parents and no one has come forward and reported it for fear of being laughed at or worst.
Let's face it even in today's society where this type of thing is more widely accepted people still band you as a kook. As for me. I don't care. I say bring it on. I would love to have a full investigation out there. Get your camera's, voice recorders, heat sensors and all the other equipment. Whoo hoo, can you see us now on Taps
Ok back to the serious side.
Suzie also suggested that I talk some more to our friendly ghost asking them to give me some sort of sign as to who they are by making a noise such as a tap. Only problem is this is woods and open field. So short of dropping a tree branch on my head I am not sure what kind of noise they could make. In fact I have been twice with a EPV recorder but so far nothing more than the wind. I do plan on trying agin
In the mean time I am going to do an investigation of a different sorts this weekend.
It has nothing to do with this man and lady and is on an entirely different piece of land.
I will tell you more about it later
Labels: Ghost, Local Hauntings, Paranormal, Random Thoughts
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