February 25, 2008


I am re posting this photo(be sure and click on it to enlarge so you can see it better) because I need another opinion. Remember when I asked if anyone else could see the lady and several of you did? Well, I want you to take a closer look..Can you see the man in front of her bent on one knee? Do you think he proposed to her in that spot and that is why they have reappeared there?
Maybe I have a really overly active imagination, but I swear I didn't notice him until the other day. I saw her clearly, and the more I looked at it trying to find an explaination (other than my imagination) I suddendly realized he was there..
So do you see him?

Here is the same photo with a red arrow pointing to what I think looks like the back of a mans shoulders I posted this as a visual aide..Let me know what you think

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February 3, 2008

Sunday Ramblings


Ok tell me I am crazy, but do you see the ghost in the forest?
Here is a close up view.


Like I said maybe I am crazy, but I see a ghostly outline of a lady in a long dress facing sideways with her arm on her hip.
Just so you know...I took this photo today right after my grandson told me he saw a lady in the woods. He told me this about three minutes after we stopped here today.

The woods were behind us as I took the photo of the graves. We were not talking about ghost. We were simply looking around. Just out of no-where my grandson pointed to the woods and told us he wanted to go in there. My daughter asked him if someone was in there..Yes he answered, Who we asked. A lady he replied. Where did she come from we asked..He pointed to the sky. I ask him if it was a ghost. Yes, he said. Needless to say we left. This is not the first time we have been near graveyards to have my grandson suddenly started talking about seeing people that we can't see. I have to admit even with my belief in the paranormal I find it a bit un-nerving. When we got home and I loaded my photos from today the image of the woman was the first thing I saw in the photo. I quietly sat my grandson on my lap and asked him where he saw the lady in the woods at. He pointed right to the same area of the photo that I was seeing the "ghost" in. Shit I thought, so I asked him, Cody what was the lady wearing. Did she have on a dress or pants. A dress he said..hmmm I thought, what color was her dress. Blue he said..Ohh ok I said..Well was the dress up here (pointing to my mid thighs) or was it down here (pointing to my shoes). Down here he said touching the ground..
Ok, now I ask you again. Am I nuts? Or do you see a ghost in my photo?

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